Gardening Jobs for October
Posted: 1 Oct 2023Autumn has well and truly arrived!
Simon, our garden centre manager, has put together a list of gardening jobs to do this month.
- Plant spring flowering bulbs now.
- Lift cannas towards the end of the month, dry them out and store in a dark, frost-free place for the winter.
- Plant containers with pansies, violas, cyclamen and hardy foliage plants to add some cheer to your garden throughout the winter.
- Lift terracotta and ceramic pots and place on pot feet to prevent frost damage
- This is a good month to transplant trees and shrubs that are in the wrong place. The warm soil will encourage quick regrowth of roots.
- Collect fallen leaves and compost for top dressing borders next year.
- Sow broad beans and hardy peas.
- Plant onion sets and garlic bulbs now.
- Plant out spring cabbage plants.
- Use grease bands around the trunks of fruit trees to prevent winter moths crawling up them and making a cosy home for winter.
- Cut up blackberries and late fruiting raspberries down to the ground.
- Pot up amaryllis bulbs for christmas flowering.
- Insulate glasshouses with bubble wrap.
- Sow sweet peas for overwintering.
- Apply a miracle gro autumn lawn care to strengthen your grass and kill off the moss.
- Clean out nesting boxes.
- Feed the birds and plump them up for the winter months.